Friday, November 10, 2006

Guest speaker in our class

In this afternoon, in 003 class we met Michelle with her children. She teaches her children in her home. That is home schooling. Michelle advocates the home schooling. She was a student in Nina’s class. She told us a lot of things about home schooling. she told us that she teaches them alone nobody help her to teach them and she teaches them in the diving room. We took a lot of in formations from her about home school.


At 2:53 PM, Blogger Nina Liakos said...

Were you impressed by the fact that Michelle isn't helped to home school her children? In fact, she mentioned getting a lot of support from the "umbrella group," Cedarbrook Academy. She is not entirely alone!

At 8:12 PM, Blogger John said...

It's really interesting to me that "homeschooling" has changed more and more into something like "community schooling", where homeschoolers help each other.

In Japan, sadly, school bullying causes a kind of "homeschooling". Bullying is a very big problem (yesterday, there was news on TV of two children who actually committed suicide because of bullying!), and sometimes victims of bullying refuse to go to school. Parents then need to educate them at home, although they can't get a diploma.

Anyway, I enjoyed reading your post.


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